Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bacon Egg Biscuit

I thought someone might need to school me on how to paint a biscuit but maybe it's not so bad. The eggs are scrambled. I painted this quickly without trying to over think anything.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Lemon

A little too uniform for my taste. It looks too much like paint and not a lemon. What can you do?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Slick Surface

I am opting for medium rich smooth paint over dry brush. We will see where this goes.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I made this paintings in two sittings with cheap acrylic paint. It was made in a swift and carefree fashion. The colors were not carefully mixed. At times I dipped the brush in different colors and would apply multiple colors with the same brush stroke. For the most part it is wet on wet.

I like this painting. I think it is done. If I were to work on it again it would become a different painting. In some ways I like it better than my latest unfinished Obama and Palin paintings. With those two I have become obsessed with bringing to them a new level of realism or finish. The Palin painting has become really hard-edged with lots of blending and little stippled brush marks. I wonder why is it that different painting begin to develop in different ways. Once the painting falls into it's niche and you refine your approach you can't go back.

I have begun a Vermeer copy. It sits in my studio unfinished. I want to be able to make a painting like that. For better or for worse it is some kind on influence on everything that I am working on. In the very least it has compelled me to make some paintings that have no dry brush or white canvas showing. The paint I am using is rich with medium and takes days to dry. When I am done with this jar of medium I will make another with no damar and those days will turn to weeks.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November Fifth

I feel a little guilty that I have not been more forceful with getting a likeness. The perspective of looking up at a face in three quarter perspective has been a little challenging. I haven't really got that right. I'll just be patient. I will keep painting on it everyday and hope that this will all take care of it's self. Maybe not the approach that everyone would advocate but it seems to work for me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

48 Hours

I can't say this is a big improvement but I will have something to work with in the morning. There still are plenty of adjustments to be made. Not everything is in the right place. Also I think all the features are a little too big. I'll just paint and figure it out as I go.