Thursday, September 18, 2008


I forgot to bring a lemon to my studio. But I did have a lime handy. It turned out to be a change for the better. The pulpy matter under the skin of this lime is kind of bluish. That was kind of challenging. Gradually I am moving towards a consistency of paint that is more sticky with medium and has less solvent.  

I am reassessing what I mean by painting as directly as possible. I want to paint everything only once in the hopes of preserving some freshness. I don't need any doubts or hesitation. I just want to paint the lemon or possibly a lime. It's not that I want my brain to be wired to never blink. I'm not confronting a rogue nation with nuclear weapons. I'm just making a painting. What I want is the act of painting to be sort of a reflection unto itself.

1 comment:

Jenn manzella said...

lick it... suck it... slam it! A little tequila and salt would fix this right up!