Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too Thiebaud

I feel like I got a little too Wayne Thiebaud with this one. I have some lingering doubts about this painting.  It feels too stiff and symmetrical.  The lemon doesn't feel like a lemon. I imagine this lemon would have the consistency of one of those orange circus peanut candies. It's not lemon like. There is always tomorrow.


Brock Cole said...

It's the cut edge across the top that makes it look ridgd. Is it because it's more or less parallel to the top? I like the pearl like seed--the darker lines through the flesh of the lemon look a little perfunctory, but over all I think I like it.
I meant to start my own blog today, but post my nerve and spent the day cooking. Alan, Clark, and Charnie are here for the interment ceremony tomorrow. I'll try again in the afternoon. B.

John Bishop said...

I have the luxury of not knowing Wayne Theibaud's work, and I like this one. The background's wormy and woody and the lemon ship is heading west. I'm hoping you'll consider blueberries in the not so distant future. John

Lauren Beth said...

I like it dr.cole. it feels right.